Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Video Klip dari sebuah Kapur Tulis!

Kapur + Ide = Kreatifitas!

Ternyata kreatifitas gak dateng dari hal-hal yang modern gan, kreatifitas bisa dateng dari mana aja dan melalui media apapun. Contohnya kayak Kapur dan Jalanan, jaman kita TK sampe SMA dulu siapa sih yg gak kenal sama yg namanya kapur tulis, jaman dulu kapur sering kita buat lempar2an gan! Ya gakk heheh

Nah! Di Thread ini gue Cuma mau kasih tau kalo kapur, jalanan, dan ide kalo dikumpulin jadi satu bisa jadi sebuah kreatifitas yang sangat hebat! Kalo gak percaya simak aja gan cerita dibawah ini!

Shynola sebuah grup seniman yang tinggal di kota London, mereka sudah sering berkolaborasi dengan berbagai proyek kesenian, lebih sering mereka membuat berbagai video musik dari artis2 papan atas seperti : Radiohead, UNKLE, Morcheeba, Queens of the stone age, Blur, The Rapture, Junior Senior dan ColdPlay!
Shynola beranggotakan Gideon Baws, Chris Harding, Richard Kenworthy dan Jason Groves. Mereka bertemu tahun 1994 di Kent Institute of Art & Design.
Cek website mereka nih gann: http://www.shynola.com/

Picture Shynola

Awardsnya nih gann
Spoiler for cekidots:

• D&AD Awards (2010) Music Video (Animation) - Coldplay Strawberry Swing

• UK MVA Awards (2009) Video of the Year - Coldplay Strawberry Swing
• UK MVA Awards (2009) Best Rock Video - Coldplay Strawberry Swing
• UK MVA Awards (2009) Best Animation in a Music Video - Coldplay Strawberry Swing
• McLaren Animation Award (2004) - Blur Good Song
• CAD awards (2004) Best Animation in a Music Video
• D&AD Awards (2004) Best Direction
• D&AD Awards (2004) Best Animation
• British Animation Awards (2004) Best Music Video - Blur Good Song
• MTV VMA award (2003) Best Special Effects in a Video (shared with Clear) - Queens of the Stone Age Go with the Flow
• CAD award (2003) Best Director
• CAD award (2003) Best Rock Video - Athlete You Got The Style
• LEAF Award (2002) Best Pop Promo - U.N.K.L.E. Eye 4 An Eye
• McLaren Animation Award (2002) - U.N.K.L.E. Eye 4 An Eye
• NME Brat Award (2002) Best Video - Radiohead Pyramid Song
• CAD Award (2002) Best Rock Video - Radiohead Pyramid Song
• CAD Award (2001) Best Alternative Video - Morgan Flying High
• CAD Award (2001) Best Marketing Campaign (Shared with Dilly Gent and Chris Bran) - Radiohead Blips Kid A
• LEAF Award (2000) Best Computer Animated Advertisement - Nat West 'Fishing Line'
• BBC2 Awards (2000) Best Music Video - Quannum I Changed My Mind
• MPVA Awards (2000) Best Video For Under $25,000 - Quannum I Changed My Mind
• Ottawa International Animation Festival (1999) Best Computer Animation The Littlest Robo

Yang mau TS bahas disini yang cara bikin video klipnya Coldplay yg judulnya “Strawberry Swing” soalnya keren banget dan bikin penasaran gimana cara bikinnya…nih ane dapet potongan interview bareng shynola

Spoiler for interviewnya nih gan:

How much of this was entirely done in camera and how much was done in CG?

We did a shoot in L.A. with Chris. All the animation is hand drawn.

Did you use some kind of projection system to keep track of things?

No, we didn’t project anything on the floor. We had a grid marked on the floor just out of frame, plus a hand-held wireless monitor which showed us the view from the camera.

How many people were involved in the production? How long did the whole project take?

I honestly can’t remember how many people were on the shoot. Once there are more than ten, it’s hard to keep track. The production took around three months from when we were asked to pitch until the delivery.

Ternyata yang jadi superhero di video klip itu Chris Martin gan!

Nih buktinya
Spoiler for buktinya nih gan:

The music video for "Strawberry Swing" is a stop motion video featuring Chris Martin lying on the ground against animated chalk drawings. The video premiered on 4Music and Channel 4 on 29 July 2009. The video begins with Martin waking up in his house. Once he sees that a woman is being held hostage by a giant squirrel, he turns into a superhero and attempts to save her. Along the way, Martin faces attacks from the squirrel and a giant fish in the ocean. When Martin finally gets to the squirrel's home, he rescues the lady by drawing a nut-shaped bomb that blows the squirrel up. The two then fly away and begin to kiss. The animation suddenly stops and Martin gets up off the chalk-colored floor in real speed and walks away.[11] The music video was directed by Shynola. The video was nominated in the Best Animation in a Video category at the UK Music Video Awards 2009.[12] In August 2010, the video was nominated for "Breakthrough Video" at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards.[13]

Nah kalo ngeliat dari situ, daripada kita ngelempar-lempar kapur mendingan kalo agan2 jago gambar trus suka sama bikin2 video gitu, mendingan mulai bikin kayak karya2 diatas gan! gue yakin orang Indonesia kalo bikin kayak gini bakal lebih jago dan kreatif! lagian lumayan dong kalo karya agan diliat sama orang2 luar negri trus dikontrak deh utk bikinin video klip mereka hehehehhe!

Maju Terus Kreatifitas Karya anak Bangsa!

sumber :http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=9848886

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